Water Audit Surveys can advise on how the Open Competitive Water Market influences water cost savings via a water tender to find a new supplier.

On 1 April 2017 the UK Government opened the competitive water market in England for all non-household users; a similar scheme has been operating in Scotland since 2008. Licensed water retailers have taken the place of regional Water Companies as the first line contact for businesses and Water Companies have a new role as wholesalers.
Switching Water Retailers
The resulting changes in an open market have given businesses for the first time the opportunity to place their water supply requirements with a water retailer of their choice. Businesses with regional sites can opt for consolidated billing and in some cases electronic billing to reduce administration costs. Water Audit Surveys Ltd can assist with the process making the change seamless by undertaking an analysis of current charges, preparing the water tenders, scrutinising results with recommendations and future on-going support with a new water supplier of your choice.
The Self–Supply option for large organisations.
A little-known scheme available to larger organisations grants the option to self-manage their water supply direct with a water wholesaler at a lower cost than engagement with a retailer. Water Audit Surveys can support the option with an analysis of current charges to quantify water spend for qualification purposes, then complete the application, liaise with OFWAT and provide on-going support. It is worth pointing out that the self-supply option does not allow for a water tender process to select a new water supplier, self-supply reverts to the former regional water company now known as the wholesaler.
Contact us at telephone: 0800 014 8660 or email info@waterauditsurveys.com