The total savings achieve from the start of the project in January 2018 is £180,000 per annum. Sites have been investigated from high water usage identified from the bills. Leaks and internal inefficiencies were the cause.

Drainage investigations resulted in over 80% of the site draining to a natural watercourse. Our findings were submitted to the water company and the first offer was a refund of £8,000. Intense negotiations resulted in a refund of £255,442.

A leak was found and fixed using 72 litres per minute or 37,843 m³ of water loss per annum at a cost of £98,040.

Car dealership’s surface water discharge licence re-issued by Canals & Rivers Trust showed a large percentage increase over inflation. Working with Water Audit Surveys realised a saving of £1,600 per annum.

As a result of a major water mains replacement scheme being undertaken, the subject unit suffered from restricted access and reduced passing trade for over four months.

The Water Company initially rejected all claims for roadworks citing that side roads and access remained available. The financial assessment was not taken into consideration.

The Water Company rejected the claim in its entirety, citing that the works were not directly outside the premises and disagreed with the claim calculation. Agreement could not be reached and the matter escalated to arbitration.